Monday, March 12, 2012

Journal #3

I believe Camus split The Stranger  into 2 parts to show how Mersault acts, behaves, and thinks differently after he murders the Arab.  In part 1 Mersault thoughts/actions are based on a day to day mindset, meaning he lives for today rather than the future.  This can be seen when Mersault turns down the job opportunity in Paris. In part 1 Mersault neglects to really reflect on his past, but is given plenty of time to do so when he's in jail in part 2. Also in part 2 Mersault essentially gives up life and just goes with the flow of things.  By the end of the story Mersault is happy for his upcoming death and hoped that there was "a larger crowd of spectators" and that he is greeted with "cries of hate" (Camus 123)

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