Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Journal #2

Japanese Dialect Rules:
1. "L" sound becomes one of the following: Ra, Ri (ree), Ru (roo), Re (reh) , Ro (Hello becomes Herro)
2. A make ah sound, I makes ee sound, U make oo sound, E makes eh sound, O make oh sound
3. Incorrect grammar
4."Th" sound is sometimes replaced by "D" sound or "Ts" sound (This becomes Dis, Thank becomes Tsank)
5. Vowels are connected to some consonants (G becomes Ga, Gi, Gu, Ge, or Go.)
6. An "oo" sound is added to words that end in sh (English becomes Engureshu)
7. Letters in words are sometimes dropped (What becomes waa)
8. Japanese words may be added

Structure from Pg. 31

Yagame walked out of the department store in a rage.  He was having a hard time finding the right gift for his daughters birthday, and the lack of help from the store employees only made matters worse.  Still needing a gift, Yagame made his way to the next store.

"Hello," the employee said in a cheerful tone "can i help you find something?"

The sound of the employees voice startled the distracted Yagame, causing him give a slight jump.  Recovering from the initial surprise Yagame turned toward the employee with a stern look on his face.  The first impression had been made and Yagame already had negative opinions about this young woman, but was still willing to give her a chance.

"Oh, herro der. me ruook fo gifto fo dauta. she turun sanju (30) tumaro."

"I'm sorry, could you please repeat what you said?"

"Gifto. Watashi wa gifto o katemas (I buy gift). Prisu herupu me get gifto fo dauta. She raek clozu to (and) makapu bato, ie don no waa kaindo."

It seemed as though she was struggling to comprehend what Yagame was saying but pulled through regardless. She helped Yagame pick out a gift for his daughter and lead him to the cahsier.  After Paying Yagame turned and said his parting words to the young lady.

"Arigato gozaemas, dozo yuroshiku.  Tsank yu beri mucho, naitsu tu meto yu."
Although fun that was extremely hard to write...

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